What is Carbon Monoxide, and why you should care!

What is Carbon monoxide:


Carbon monoxide is byproduct of incomplete combustions. When anything burns one of its byproducts is carbon monoxide. Any gas powered appliance, vehicle, or internal combustion engine puts off carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas. Carbon monoxide has a specific gravity of 0.9657 with 1 being normal air. What that means is that carbon monoxide is lighter than air and will tend to float towards the ceiling.

Why is CO dangerous:


Carbon monoxide is truly the silent killer. Like stated above carbon monoxide is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. With those specific properties it is hard to detect this gas in any environment without a carbon monoxide detector. The way that carbon monoxide is dangerous is that it binds with the hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is what typically transports oxygen to cells throughout the body. The problem with carbon monoxide is that it has a much greater affinity for hemoglobin than does oxygen. So when you inhale carbon monoxide it binds with hemoglobin at roughly a 200-300 times greater affinity than does oxygen. Carbon monoxide kills hundreds of people each year typically in their sleep. Typical symptoms of carbon monoxide poisonings include but are not limited to:

  • Dizziness
  • headache, nausea
  • redness in the face
  • potential asphyxiation leading to death


What are carbon monoxide detectors:


A carbon monoxide detector is much like a smoke detector in the fact that you can mount them in similar locations. There are 3 types of carbon monoxide detectors but the industry has widely adopted the electrochemical sensor detector type. They have internal electrodes that are coated in a special chemical that allows for change in electrical current when carbon monoxide is detected. Carbon monoxide often referred to as CO is typically measured in PPM or parts per million. So when the detectors reach a certain amount of current associated with a certain amount of CO or the correct level read in PPM it alarms.


Why is it important to have a detector in your home:


Like mentioned above it is important to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home because it is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas. Often times the symptoms are hard to pinpoint the source of and can often times be misconstrued as just being sick.


How often should you replace a carbon monoxide detector:


All detectors will have a manufactured date on the back of them and most detectors are good for 5 to 10 years depending on manufacturer. There either battery powered detectors or hardwired detectors and often times a hardwired detector will have a battery backup power. The benefit of a hardwired detector with a battery backup is that if your house looses power the battery will run the detector for you. And likewise if the battery dies the power from the house will power the detector. We typically whenever you change your clocks you should change your detector batteries, and that goes for smoke and CO. It should be noted though that they are a mechanical device and sometimes they just go bad. Typically there is a description on the rear of a detector that will let you know what a blinking light or chirping noise will mean.


Where should you place a carbon monoxide detector:


You should place detector on every level of you home. We do not believe it is necessary to have a carbon monoxide detector in every room of your home. Often times placing a carbon monoxide detector in close proximity to a smoke detector is good practice. There are also some the plug directly in to your outlet which may be a good option. But again we believe one per floor is sufficient. And ontop of having detectors in your home it is important to have a good home first aid kit. Check out our IFAK Elite for a great home fist aid kit.


Carbon Monoxide Detectors We Like:


Firex Hardwired Carbon Monoxide Detector with 9-Volt Battery Backup

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